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Finding the balance?

The rising costs and logistical issues of a supply chain certainly produce challenges to all businesses, coupled with the anticipated inflationary pressures still to come.  The question is, how much of these additional costs can be passed on to the consumer without making the products unviable?

With inflation expected to remain above target rates well into 2022, businesses must continue to adapt as they have done through the Pandemic, but this time the challenge is focused on finding the correct balance of price increases to protect margin, against damaging consumer confidence resulting in reduced sales.  

A revised forecast is essential, as additional capital may be required and now maybe is the time to increase borrowing facilities before interest rates start to rise.  Improved processes and overhead review are a must for all business and this could be the key to survival in the long term.

Failure to plan and face up to the hard facts should never be an option.

Manufacturers have raised their prices by the largest amount in at least two decades after a “severe” increase in raw materials and energy costs, a key report has found.

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