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Online an increasingly important channel for car dealers

According to new research from What Car? it is suggested that up to 10% of car buyers won't visit a physical car dealership again.

This demonstrates the importance of the online channel, having a quality website with strong functionality is vital. Potential requirements include:

  • Detailed summary of the vehicle including basic information, features, running costs etc.
  • Ability to view the vehicle comprehensively including high definition photos and 360 degree camera angles, to include both inside and outside. 
  • Extensive information around specification and subsequent impact on pricing.
  • Trade-in tool, including capability to provide online valuation for part-exchanges. 
  • A method of home delivery or convenient local pick-up. 
  • Some form of money back guarantee in order to reassure the customer in the absence of a formal test drive. 
  • Representative example financing options tool. 
  • Cross sell options including paint protection, extended warranty etc.

Upgrading digital infrastructure can be expensive and we anticipate that this will contribute to the prevailing trend toward consolidation from cost pressures, the requirement for fewer larger sites and OEM interest in dealer network simplification. 

One-in-10 car buyers are ready to complete their purchase wholly online, according to new research from What Car?.

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automotive dealer, car retail, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, consolidation, online, digital