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Feeling the pulse - UK Retail and Hospitality

We're proud to be launching our inaugural Pulse report today, from our Insight team.

This is a new approach to evaluating the state of play in a chosen industry. Frankly, we recognise that all opinions are not equal, and so we're leveraging our network's relationships to combine both qualitative and quantitative feedback from the sector's key players (Chairs and C-level operators) to give you their up-to-the-moment, candid takes on the pressing issues they're encountering 'at the coal face'.

We're kicking off with a dive into the UK retail and hospitality industry. I've found it a fascinating insight into how this sector is emerging into the 'new normal'. My own presumptions have been challenged - yes, of course early engagement with landlords is critical, but I'm surprised only 20% have reported having engaged professional advisors to help with those conversations. And everyone has a slightly different take on how to address this once-in-a-generation challenge as we learn to live through the evolving pandemic.

The headwinds are evident - supply chain shocks and an exceptionally tight labour market being the most prominent. But there's optimism out there as well.

Above all, we hope this report starts a conversation. I'd love to hear your thoughts - or tell me any sectors you think we should be taking the 'pulse' for next. FRP Retail & Hospitality Pulse Report

Whatever you find to pique your interest, we hope it starts a conversation.

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retail, hospitality, pulse report