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Travel and tourism: time for take off

I'm very excited to share the results of our recent survey of 250 ATOL Licenced tour operators.  It is clear from our findings that there is a great deal of optimism within the sector and rightly so now that the Covid-19 related travel restrictions have, in the main, been lifted.  

It is, however, notable from the results of the survey that there remains significant concerns over liquidity over the coming months. In particular, almost 1 in 4 of the operators taking part (23%) in our survey have concerns around their ability to renew their ATOL licence at the end of March / September. 

We will continue to follow the sector with interest over the coming months and reflect on how well operators have managed to navigate the headwinds in the sector later this year.  In the meantime, if you or any of your clients in this sector would like to discuss any concerns or simply discuss the results of this survey I would be delighted to get something in the diary.

Exploring the potential of the travel industry: is the sector set for take-off? In our latest report, Restructuring Advisory Partner Simon Stibbons analyses the year ahead for overseas travel It’s hard to overstate the impact of COVID-19 on the UK travel and tourism industry. The sector was thriving prior to the pandemic, with Brits making a record 93 million overseas trips in 2019.

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restructuring and insolvency, travel, atol, travel operators, travel companies, restructuring, business rescue, business advisory