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FRP CareCast - the ongoing challenge of staffing in the care home sector

I’m pleased to share the first episode in our three-part FRP CareCast podcast series with you. The series will examine key issues facing the UK care home sector pre and post pandemic, and explore how businesses can adapt to overcome them.

In this episode, we discuss staffing challenges in the care home sector, the impact of location on funding, and how legislative changes have helped.

Joining me on the panel are Gary Hargreaves, Director at FRP are Jamie Braganza, Co-Founder at Anavo, and Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive at Care England.

Please click the play icon to listen to the episode now, or use the following links to access it on your preferred platform:




Overseas recruitment has got to be one of the things we use as our tool to make sure we have enough staff to deliver high quality care.

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restructuring, care homes, turnaround, frp podcast, frp carecast