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It’s time to switch on the heating, but don’t get your fingers burnt…

As we move into autumn many households will be wrestling with the all-important question as to when the right time is to flick the switch and turn the central heating on.  This year many will be wondering how long they can hold out and how many jumpers it’s possible to wear before pressing the “on” button.

The Government’s recent announcement of the Energy Price Guarantee and the previously announced Energy Bills Support Scheme will make the decision that little bit easier, but somewhat predictably has presented unscrupulous scammers with another way to target vulnerable consumers.  

While the scheme itself has been well publicised, fraudsters have identified that many consumers are unclear as to whether the £400 discount is deducted from their bills automatically (it is) or whether it needs to be claimed. 

Along with many others I have received a text message purportedly from GOVUK, saying that I was eligible for a discounted energy bill with a link to a website where I could make my application.     

Exploiting those who are struggling with the cost of living crisis and preying on a fear of missing out is business as usual for fraudsters, and while most will recognise it as a scam many others will be caught out. 

So what can we do about it?  Tracking down those responsible and/or cutting off the opportunity is hard.  That’s not to say we shouldn’t do it, but the nature of the fraud and the fraudster means any successes will likely just scratch the surface. 

For me, communication and education are key.  I was lucky to have received (and read) an email from my energy provider showing me how the discount would impact my bill which reassured me the text was simply phishing.  

It’s also incumbent on those of us working in the anti-fraud community to do what we can to raise awareness by supporting organisations who are active in the area, by looking for opportunities to broadcast the message and by encouraging family, friends, clients and contacts to be sceptical of any unsolicited calls or messages.  I suspect the problem will never go away, but if we drive down the returns fraudsters can expect from these scams our efforts will not be in vain.

Marijus Briedis, chief technology officer at NordVPN, said: “Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis have been honeypots for fraudsters, giving rise to increasingly cynical ploys to separate victims from their money.”

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forensic accounting, fraud, investigations, inflation