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It looks like the AI tides are turning!

As Artificial Intelligence(AI) grows in popularity outside of the technologist sphere, its uses are bound to become more accepted. The below article talks about how the use of AI aided barristers in a murder trial and how the people who saw the power of it are pushing for wider uses. 

This is not too dissimilar to the work that comes across my desk. Whereas before, each conversation I had with clients was mainly me suggesting the use of new tools and technologies, now it is often the case that my clients are coming to me with ideas about how things they have either used or seen on other cases and wanting to know whether they would work in this scenario. This is very rewarding for me as it means the work I put in (and of course the work my peers have put in) has worked.

I am truly hopeful that the future of AI is here and with use cases as compelling as this one, I can't see why it won't be embraced. 

Robot laws: First barrister to use AI in Old Bailey murder trial urges government to push forward cutting edge tech

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