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Catalysing Legal Evolution: The Impact of AI Integration on eDiscovery in 2024

As we step into 2024, the eDiscovery landscape is on the cusp of a transformative era, with a primary spotlight on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), which I envisage will have an effect on the burgeoning use of mobile devices in the cases we work on. Pablo Arredondo, CTO + Co-Founder of Casetext, foresees AI becoming an integral part of the eDiscovery process. Judges will grapple with disputes surrounding the role of large language models in document production and review, and the use of AI is expected to bring about a notable enhancement in the quality of advocacy in litigation.

In this context, the rise of mobile devices takes centre stage, as highlighted by David Greetham, Vice President of Digital Forensics at Level Legal. With the tipping point in 2023 where more mobile devices were collected for imaging than traditional laptops and desktops, 2024 is poised to witness a widening gap. Users increasingly rely on their mobile devices for business applications while on the move or working remotely, signalling a substantial shift in the types of devices subject to discovery requests.

This shift not only underscores the evolving work habits of individuals but also amplifies the significance of AI in managing the growing volumes of data associated with mobile devices. As AI technologies are integrated into eDiscovery workflows, the legal community must navigate the unique challenges posed by mobile data, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient approach to analysis, review, and production. More on that in the coming weeks ...

In summary, the convergence of AI and eDiscovery is not only a catalyst for legal advancements but also a pivotal factor in addressing the evolving landscape of data, particularly the dominance of mobile devices, shaping the way legal professionals manage and extract insights from an ever-expanding array of electronic sources.

2023 marked the tipping point where more mobile devices were collected as part of a discovery request than were laptops and desktops. In 2024 we will see the gap grow as more users employ their mobile devices for business applications while on the move or working remotely.

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