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| 3 minute read

10 powerful lessons learned from Mind.Set season one

A key message of the Mind.Set podcast surrounds how embracing adversity can lead to positive change – and each guest I sat with provided me with just that – a depiction of how challenges can see you emerge stronger, wiser and more resilient. 

Packed with pearls of wisdom, each guest offers a unique and powerful perspective. Here are my top ten lessons learned from each episode.


1. There is no perfect way 
Everyone’s journey is different, in life, in their careers, in their relationships, and even in their leadership styles. What works really well for you may not work for someone else. Sitting and speaking to so many different people made me realise the key is actually in understanding yourself more to unlock the tools that best serve your individual needs.  Priyanka Usmani talked about that first day as a trainee, feeling like she had taken a different path to everyone else – despite going against the grain, this ended up being a truly invaluable part of her career journey.


2. Embrace change in all its glory 

It hit me how each person I spoke to this season had the motivation to move through change and embrace it. Sometimes not necessarily out of choice, or perhaps by selecting the lesser of two evils. But what has become abundantly clear to me is that change is inevitable, it is literally life, so a desire to try and move through the challenge, sees our success grow. 


3. Finding acceptance allows you to move forward
I was really struck by all the guests ability to accept the outcomes of the situations they were in and accept them despite the challenge. The quicker we can accept the reality of the circumstances we’re faced with, the sooner we can move towards the solution. It’s life on life’s terms. 


4. There is no shame in starting again 
So many of the guests I interviewed, in fact all of the guests I interviewed, did an amazing job at reinventing themselves and starting again. That doesn’t always have to mean a new career. It could simply mean a new approach or a new role in the current firm or structure you’re in. At times it will mean drastic change and that is ok – reinvention often leads to incredible outcomes. 


5. Regularise the flashes and be in competition with your potential
Mohammed ‘Mo’ Massaquoi really blew me away with these two pearls of wisdom. When you have a really good day, good assignment, project, email, or call, whatever it is, focus on how to make the elements that contributed to your success a more regular part of your approach. Even once you’ve mastered this, use others around you for feedback, and don’t be afraid to seek mentoring to help you get there. Be intentional. Be in competition with your potential.


6. Nothing changes with thoughts and words alone 
Change invariably involves action. Whatever the change is you need and want to see -
start to make a move towards it today. If not now, when? 


7. Learn what makes your heart sing 
Tash Kusi talked with about his modelling career and how he came to the realisation that it didn’t make his heart sing. Finding a passion in your life and turning that into an economic pursuit isn’t easy. Not all of us are that fortunate. But we can find things in our day to day lives and jobs that we are more drawn towards and then harness this more to help add meaning to what we do. Whether that’s mentoring others, being more client facing, building relationships, focusing on the technical or helping recruit a team. Find it and use it to elevate. Find what makes your heart sing. 


8. Help others and each other. It’s guaranteed to see you grow. 
Abigail Hirshman explored how helping others can be a remarkable tool for helping oneself. This is something I’ve known to be true in my own life. It’s a simple equation - if you feel low or unmotivated, you can’t when you’re thinking of someone else, and helping them. The two can’t exist at the same time. 

Organisations and individuals can truly grow when helping each other is their heartbeat. 


9. We are all more connected than we realise 

One thing that really resonated with me this season was how much more connected we are than we think. Everyone has challenges in their life and assuming that yours are unique and different can be dangerous. We are all human and all fallible. Understanding this has certainly helped me move past my own insecurities and better build relationships with my superiors and clients - it made me feel less alienated. 


10. The wealth is in the journey itself not the end goal

It’s a cliché that it’s the journey and not the destination. But I realised more than ever speaking with the guests this season that the constant evolution of life and work means that we never actually reach a point in time where its completed, where we are content, and where we feel there is nothing more to learn.

Moving through more challenging periods to then spend some time in the sunlight is the gold at the end of the rainbow. 

Tune in and listen to season one of Mind.Set here.

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