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Beyond the Digital: The Crucial Role of Forensic Document Examination in Investigations

Exploring how forensic document examination remains critical in uncovering hidden truths in investigations

In today’s digital age, it is easy to overlook the importance of physical documents and the crucial role they play in many investigations and Court cases. 

Documents with significant relevance to a case, bearing handwriting or signatures, need to be scrutinised for authenticity. We should not take these at face value but take steps to determine who wrote them, if they were authentically signed, and whether or not they have been altered.

According to the INTERPOL Questioned Documents Review (2019-2022), documentation examination remains key to resolving myriad crimes, as they state, “For many crimes, such as financial and economic crimes, identity-based crimes, and national security, forensic handwriting/document examination is key to resolution”

Despite our reliance on digital methods, we still frequently encounter handwritten or signed documents. Unfortunately, the authenticity of these documents is often taken for granted, and one of the oldest forms of the application of forensic skills, forensic document examination, is either ignored or only considered as a last resort. However, given the rise of AI-enabled fraud and deep fakes, it is time to re-evaluate the value of these “old-school” investigation techniques. 

A forensic document expert can examine and analyse any physical document, such as handwritten notes, contracts, maintenance records, medical notes, wills, and receipts, to verify the authenticity of handwriting and signatures or detect any tampering or wrongdoing. As forensic document experts, we have worked on many cases where physical documentation has been crucial evidence, and its analysis has been monumental in securing an outcome:

Forged signatures - In a high-value litigation case, the claimant denied signing several documents. However, an analysis of the questioned signatures revealed that, despite appearing inauthentic to the untrained eye, they fell within the claimant’s natural range and were confirmed to be genuine.

Tampered expenses - A company decided to audit the expense reports of a senior executive. While many taxi receipts appeared genuine at first glance, a document examiner used specialised lighting to reveal alterations made with different inks. These discrepancies amounted to over £30,000 in a single year.

Fake contacts - In a High Court dispute regarding the tenancy of an apartment, the claimants presented a contract claiming that the landlord had transferred the property to the tenants before his death. The Judge required a document examiner to verify the landlord’s signature. However, the examination revealed that the paper’s watermark indicated it was manufactured years after the landlord’s death.

Sharing these recent assignments demonstrates forensic document examination remains an invaluable investigative tool, even in our digital-first world. As cases become increasingly complex, with rising instances of fraud, identity theft, and AI-enabled deception, the importance of verifying the authenticity of physical documents cannot be overstated. 

By leveraging expertise in document examination, investigators can uncover concealed truths, helping to ensure justice is served in matters where authenticity is paramount.

“For many crimes, such as financial and economic crimes, identity-based crimes, and national security, forensic handwriting/document examination is key to resolution”.

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