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FRP’s Molly Sandquest on being recognised as an ‘Exceptional Expert’

Molly Sandquest, Forensic Services Director at FRP, joins The Financier Worldwide for an exclusive interview, offering a deep dive into the ever-evolving world of forensics. Recognised as an exceptional expert in the field, Molly shares her extensive experience in investigations and white-collar crime, providing valuable insights into the crucial role forensic specialists play in today’s digital landscape. From uncovering financial misconduct to navigating complex digital evidence, she sheds light on the skills, expertise, and adaptability required to excel in forensic investigations.

Q1. What qualities and values do you believe are essential for building strong, trusting relationships with clients?

As forensic accounting experts we are known for our meticulous attention to detail, integrity and independence. Clients rely on us to be thoughtful and thorough and to proactively anticipate concerns and challenges based on experience.

We are often called upon to articulate complex scenarios and matters in a clear, concise and straightforward manner to ensure things can be easily understood. Reliance is placed on us to provide robust, high-quality advice, with independence alongside objectivity being essential.

We are often engaged in high-profile and fast-paced investigations which require a multidisciplinary approach across concurrent workstreams. Accordingly, being able to utilise the complimentary skill sets of others and continue adapting to the ever-evolving nature of the work aids efficiency.

Building rapport is an essential element and I find being personable, reliable and enthusiastic aids an effective working relationship. Communication is key. Whether that is providing updates on findings, progress, challenges or fees.


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Q2. What drives and motivates you in your daily role? How do you stay inspired and engaged in your area of specialisation?

The variety of my role is refreshing. Each day is different and involves an eclectic mix of individuals, companies, industries and issues.

I am constantly striving to deliver the best for my clients and I enjoy helping clients uncover the truth and follow the money. Part of my role involves examining the individuals behind the numbers and their behaviour and actions – understanding the psychology of why people do what they do – which is fascinating.

The aim of my work is not only to understand and help others overcome their problems, but also to aid restitution and retribution efforts, whether it be via recoveries or in seeking justice for when people have been wronged, such as ponzi schemes and investment scams. I am inspired by the innovation, creativity and passion of others which is a reminder of the impact we can make.

Q3. What emerging technologies or shifts in your area of expertise are capturing your attention? How are you adapting to stay at the forefront of these changes?

The legal and regulatory landscape is shifting its focus towards fraud prevention, corporate transparency and enforcement with the FTPF legislation coming into effect later this year. We are already working with clients, often collaborating with legal advisers, to help companies prepare and shift their considerations to scenarios when it is the beneficiary of a fraud, rather than the victim.

The IAASB revisions to ISA 240 are shifting auditors reactions towards fraud risks and we are seeing this development from an increase in referrals for independent investigations arising from auditor concerns.

Technological advancements such as generative AI are driving efficiency, particularly with respect to large document review, and we are alive to continuous development and identification of efficiencies and ways of implementing more effective working for clients.


This article was first featured in Financer Worldwide in February 2025.

Clients rely on us to be thoughtful and thorough and to proactively anticipate concerns and challenges based on experience.

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disputes, forensic accounting, fraud, litigation