10/10/2022 3:06:07 PM "Trustworthy" and "responsible" AI. Will the tide finally turn? By Harry Trick Who, Where, Why? The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been the authority on what is and isnt acceptable in the...
10/3/2022 3:10:52 PM Practice Direction 57AD: What you should know By Holly Baker With the Disclosure Pilot Scheme (DPS) becoming Practice Direction 57AD (PD 57AD) over the weekend, there are a few things that are worth...
9/28/2022 1:47:09 PM Is AI on a path to eliminate us all or is it there to help us be better? By Harry Trick One of the biggest challenges I have faced in the past five or so years has been getting my clients and colleagues to share my enthusiams...
5/16/2022 4:10:01 PM eDiscovery costs and how to ensure they stay in check By Harry Trick Costs have been an issue in eDiscovery for as long as I can remember. For as long as there has been an eDiscovery industry, there have...
2/25/2022 9:59:22 AM Consultants are more important than ever in eDiscovery, here is why By Harry Trick Any eDiscovery practitioner will tell you that the changes in data sources and types on our cases have been vast over the past two years....
11/12/2021 12:02:13 PM Emojis, :-) or :-S? By Harry Trick Emojis are part of every day life these days. I have friends who cannot send a message without some kind of emoji or gif - I'm sure you...