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Cyber security - education vs. prevention. What's best for you?

Cyber attacks never seem to go away as a hot topic in the world of Forensic Technology. Many of our corporate clients now have their own internal "Cyber" teams whose job it is to detect, remove and stop these threats, but for every client who does there are 100 who don't. 

The below article shows how a relatively insignificant loss to one business can add up very quickly to several insignificant losses and one big payday for the people who are trying to get things from us. It is more essential today than it ever has been to be aware of cyber security and have plans in place to deal with these kinds of attacks when they arise. 

This doesn't need to be with a full team of cyber experts, it can be with awareness and training from in house legal or IT teams on how to deal with things like phishing attempts and data breeches - including reporting and escalating internally to nullify potential threats.

In my opinion, education is more important than prevention to the majority of businesses and although there has been a shift in past years towards this, it must continue and become standard practice everywhere! 

Many hackers are perfectly happy with relatively insignificant amounts of money, and they tend to send thousands upon thousands of emails just to get one bite on their phishing attack.

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