6/10/2024 2:54:16 PM Navigating the growing demand of the UK Data Centre Industry By Anthony Demetriades The UK's data centre industry is experiencing robust growth fuelled by the surge in digital technologies and the impact of landmark...
5/8/2024 11:07:42 AM Exploring Energy from Waste (EfW) Facilities: Benefits, Challenges and Financial Distress By Simon Baggs I have dealt with the insolvencies of Biomass/EfW facilities and I find that although technologically impressive they are fraught with a...
1/23/2023 4:25:57 PM What we use Artificial Intelligence for is going to depend on how much we trust it - so how can you trust it? By Harry Trick The more popular something becomes the more criticism it will inevitably attract. Nothing new there and nothing about the ChatGPT launch...
10/10/2022 3:06:07 PM "Trustworthy" and "responsible" AI. Will the tide finally turn? By Harry Trick Who, Where, Why? The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been the authority on what is and isnt acceptable in the...
10/3/2022 3:10:52 PM Practice Direction 57AD: What you should know By Holly Baker With the Disclosure Pilot Scheme (DPS) becoming Practice Direction 57AD (PD 57AD) over the weekend, there are a few things that are worth...
5/16/2022 4:10:01 PM eDiscovery costs and how to ensure they stay in check By Harry Trick Costs have been an issue in eDiscovery for as long as I can remember. For as long as there has been an eDiscovery industry, there have...
11/30/2021 9:27:09 AM Cryptocurrency guidelines for banks and lenders - Overdue or just in time? By Harry Trick Regulation of financial trading has and always will be an essential part of life. Since the crypto explosion a few years ago the various...
11/22/2021 12:05:20 PM Cyber security - education vs. prevention. What's best for you? By Harry Trick Cyber attacks never seem to go away as a hot topic in the world of Forensic Technology. Many of our corporate clients now have their own...